
From The Frontlines
BoDog Girl - Naughty & Nice...
By Suzy Jackson
Dec 17, 2003, 13:55

We are finally getting into the busiest and most exciting part of the year for sportsbooks and sports bettors.  Bowl Season is here and Super Bowl is right around the corner and if you like sports it’s definitely beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here.

It’s especially busy in BoDog’s marketing department leading up to the holiday season’s big games.  We’ve recently added a new creative director and a growing creative team to our company and they are coming up with lots of really cool marketing and advertising campaigns for the New Year.  You’ve probably already noticed the increasingly awesome look of the website and banner ads on places like and but look for even more stuff in the coming months.

But,  before things got too crazy around here I thought I’d take a quick getaway weekend and head up to Whistler Mountain for some snowboarding and some well deserved nighttime fun.  I took my friends Mandy and Kelly with me to make sure I’d have a great time.

The snowboarding was fantastic and the conditions were awesome even in this early part of the season.  There is something about being outside in the cold air all day that makes you want to just get down and party when you’re all done in the afternoon.  After a hard day of boardn’,  Kelly,  Mandy and I hit the Jacuzzi and prepared for a night out.

We thought we’d start the night out at Buffalo Bills Bar and Grill.  This place is always packed and it isn’t just a club for young people.  It actually attracts a really cool crowd of 30 and up and I was thinking that it would be a good place to meet some really cute guys.  And I was right.

The girls and I got the drinks flowing  (the menu consisted of martinis)  and we were having a great time.  We also had some of the yummiest shooters ever,  called  “liquid cocaine”.  Seriously,  can any bad come from something with Jager in it?  My friends attracted tons of attention from the guys in the bar and they were exactly what we were looking for.  We met some very cool guys from Colorado who were looking for the same things we were.  One of them even had a BoDog account so they were pretty well versed in my  “adventures”,  which is always fun.

We had pulled some BoDog Girl shirts out of my bag and threw them on.  The guys were,  to say the least,  pretty impressed!  They really thought that I needed a big shot of tequila and they insisted that I get up on top of the bar to drink it.  Instead of a shot the bartender just poured it straight from the bottle!

The highlight of the whole trip came later in the evening.  There must have been a Christmas party of some sort because Santa Claus was in the house.  He was so fun.  I don’t know what Mrs. Claus was doing this night,  but her man was certainly having the time of his life.  It made sense that a guy who only really works one day of the year would have plenty of time to bet on sports.  He told me that BoDog was one of the places that he played some of his choice picks.  When we presented him with a BoDog baseball hat he was pretty excited and his belly did move like a bowl full of jelly.

We all took turns sitting on his lap.  I hadn’t sat on Santa’s lap since I was a little girl and he didn’t seem to mind when I asked if I could tell him what I wanted in my stocking.  He asked me if I had been a good girl all year.  I had to admit to Santa that from time to time I might have been a little naughty.  I told him all about my  “adventures”  with my friend Heather,  my trip to Vegas,  and all the other fun times I had this year.  He seemed pretty interested in all of them.

He promised that I would get something good in my stocking but not before he gave me a few good spanks for being just a little bit naughty.  The funny thing is we both enjoyed that too!  The weekend and this night were exactly what I needed.

This Bowl Season is going to be such a good one.  I am really excited about all the big games starting next week not to mention all the crunch time NFL games leading up to Super Bowl.  This is the best time of the year to be in this business and I can’t wait to see what the New Year brings and what adventures I’ll be able to tell you about next.


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